Tagged beautiful places in decay

Two Anthologies

Two anthologies. My stories are in them.

The first such story is “Ana’s Tag,” originally published in Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet and now happily at home in Other Worlds Than These.

Publishers Weekly gave the book a starred review, and said this about it: “Readers will greatly enjoy this exploration of our world’s foremost and ascendant speculative authors.”

Nice to feel ascendant for a bit.

The second story appeared in a “live anthology” created by the Unsettled Foundation and performed at a semi-abandoned movie theater alongside several other local authors. It was great fun.

The front lobby of the Hollywood Theater. It is my understanding that the usual sorts of ceiling monsters live here.
The view from the projection booth. You’ve all read “20th Century Ghost” by Joe Hill, right? Because you should.

My contribution, “Nicholas Went Looking for the Mayor’s Right Hand,” was first published by the late, great lit mag Zahir. You can still read it on their website. Warning: This is a kid’s story in the sense that it has a very young protagonist, but it is not intended for young readers, and domestic violence occurs offstage. The fine folks at Fantasy Matters reviewed the story, if that helps you decide whether or not to read it yourself. Or you could listen to me read it instead. (This is a .wav file. The .mp3 wouldn’t fit.)

I looked like this while reading.

My voice sounds over-enunciated to me, but nobody’s a good judge of their own recorded voice so maybe it’s actually fine. Note that this embarrassment is no reflection on the Unsettled techies, who somehow captured quality audio in a cavernous space.

Many thanks to all Unsettlers for creating such a spectacularly creepy event. Many more to John Joseph Adams, editor of Other Worlds Than These.